
Snow and Ice?

[QOUTE] MadStu | December 21, 2009

This video shows my own techniques for riding my BMW K1100 LT Motorcycle on ice and snow. They've kept me safe all these years.

I don't use any special tyres, just normal road tyres, however I do lower the tyre pressure. I normally run with around 40psi, but I drop it down to around 33psi for these conditions.

I'm a Medical Despatch Rider so I don't have the option of taking a car to work. And if I don't ride, I don't get paid.

If you decide to use any of the advice in the video or this description, you do so at your own risk! Just take it slow and smooth and you'll be ok.

Have fun and stay safe!

http://www.madstu.net/[/END QUOTE]

1 comment:

  1. Personally I think he's mad, but they don't often get conditions like this in England.


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