
CSBK 2012

Breakfast at the motorcycle races. :)

A year ago my friend Darlooney and I were researching cooking methods for motorcycle trips and she had found an alcohol stove made by an advrider called a "Stever Stove". I'm sure I've made a post about this before, but this was my first use of stove on a motorcycle camping trip. My research showed that alcohol stoves are horrible in below 0 centigrade temperatures and tough to use in high winds, but otherwise can't be beat for their light weight and volume.

I did two burns, one to heat up a boil in the bag meal of hash browns and bacon, and the other to make a cup of tea. It worked perfectly!

What didn't work out so well is the size of my rolled sleeping bag and air mattress. I need to research a much better rig that packs away super small and light for the bike.


  1. Ron, Great meeting you!! Here is my blog: http://sabbaticalglenn.blogspot.com

  2. It would have been hot water but for Sarah and Carrie. :-D


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