
2023 The Turkeys ride to Alaska!

 Or three turkeys visit West Point and Cedar Dunes, then blast home for a lovely Thanksgiving feast with the Kelly family. 

It was Wobbly Cat's last day on PEI and I wanted to do a Monday ride, but we were both slug-a-bed, and it took us an age to get moving, and by the time the gears stopped squeaking and began to turn, it was around noon, and time to invite others to join in on the fun, so I asked Seeline if she wanted to join the ride that was heading out to West Point Cedar Dunes for some photos. 

West Point Lighthouse PE

It took a while as Wobbly Cat was booking some airline tickets that day to take advantage of a drop in price, so we didn't clear my apartment until later in the afternoon... and this time there were no side cuts, it was straight down the Trans Canada to make time and collect Seeline from Crapaud on our way through, where we collected her at the South Shore Pharmacy, then the three of us rode straight down the TCH. 

As it was lunch time, I hoped that the PEI Handpie Company would be open but no such luck on a Holiday Monday, but Wobbly opted to take some photos and it gave me a great idea for a wee parting gift... More on that later.  

Day Tripping - Charlottetown PE to West Point PE and Return - Drive 310 km, 4 hours

Charlottetown PE to West Point PE and Return

The Handpie Company
Photo Credit: WobblyCat

I think the tractor is winning this race!
Photo Credit: WobblyCat

Well, we would beat our way south of the Trans Canada, and while doing that, we passed a field where they were harvesting the potato crop, and I did a U turn to get a shot of two. 

The harvester is in the distance

It seems a bit strange... They spray the tops of the potato plant with a herbicide that kills the tops, stops the growth of the potatoes, and allow the greens to wither away so that there is minimal vegetation left during the harvesting process. The machine then lifts the mounded dirt including the potatoes and brings them up, stripping away the loose dirt and vegetation, and tumbles them into a potato truck that will take them back for washing, sorting and storage. For a short time frame, potato trucks are allowed to be driven by just about anyone, and if the driver is in a hurry, chances are you may get a few pounds of potatoes tossed in your general direction at stops or turns. :)
Another consideration is the dirt from the field pulled out onto the road. It's no bother when it is dry, but that red clay turns into slippery snot when it rains, so if wet, you treat it like riding across ice. No large steering or braking maneuvers until you are clear of it. 

Once upon a time this represented wealth and hard work.
Now it wants to be firewood 

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