
2020 Where are we going this weekend?

Caroline and I appear to have a problem with slow starting on the weekends, then a lazy riding style that I quite enjoy at the moment, as Caroline has a new camera and has been taking a ton of photos, so that works well with me, and I've enjoyed snapping a few more shots here and there while she tests out the ability of her telephoto lens. I'm still cruising along with my cellphone and my boy scout point and shoot.

Trout River PE
as seen from North Road 

Day Tripping - Saturday - The Route 2 Diner, Trout River, North Rustico Harbour and home.  95 kms - 1.5 hours

Charlottetown to Route 2 Diner, Trout River, North Rustico and Return
We were supposed to have left earlier and made a full day of this, but watching a few YouTube Videos produced by a fellow Canadian AVE sort of lead us down a rabbit hole of watching him teach us how to extract broken taps (or not to), then some other videos of his knocking about in his machine shop. How many other girls will tell you to rewind that bit because she caught me deriding his choice of a tungsten carbide burr to remove the tap? "It'll never work!" "Shh and rewind that bit!". She's a keeper for sure. That rabbit hole led us to watching one video where he very credibly postulates a theory for the collapse of a Florida University pedestrian walkway that claimed the lives of a few people when it fell over a roadway. Anyhow, it was getting on in the day, and we really needed to kick to get our butts in gear and out the door.

We finally got moving and on down the highway headed for the Route 2 Diner, but gosh it was cold! Seriously, almost single digit, "What were you thinking when you wore that mesh jacket today?!" cold, especially after the extremely hot Friday we had experienced.

We hit the diner and ordered the Fish & Chips that we were interested in, then after our meal, I threw on my heated vest and plugged in while Caroline tossed on a sweater that she had hidden in her still shiny brand new Givi topbox that she had installed on her motorcycle a couple of weeks ago.

While eating our late lunch, Caroline asked if I'd ever ridden on the 239, a nice little run back towards Charlottetown that heads north west off of 2 and up to the head of Trout River and into Millvale where it abruptly ends. It has everything I look for in a road, turns, hills, scenery with enough potholes to keep you awake and aware of what is going on. At the end of it, Caroline stopped at the mill pond there that Caroline was interested in, but the Lupins up at the crest of the hill that we'd passed a couple of kilometres back were calling my name and I said I'd meet up with her in a bit and headed back to get some photos.

Two years later I can't remember what I was going to say. Sorry folks. Enjoy the Lupins, North Rustico and a beach out near Murry River iirc. :)

Day Tripping - Sunday - The Home Plate Restaurant and Bakery - Murray River PE and Return - 213 km and 3 hours

The Father's Day
Home Plate Restaurant and Bakery ride
My dad hangs his hat back in Ontario, and with the COVID-19 lock down, wasn't able to join us here on the island this spring, and sadly, Caroline lost her father back in 2012, so we had nowhere to be this afternoon, and after yet another lazy start, made our way 


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