
2019 The East Point Fall Colours Ride

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and I was thinking that I'd feel awful guilty come Monday if I didn't get out on the bike and enjoy the good weather.

Priest Pond PE as seen from Northside Road Hwy 16

Caroline met up with me at my place, where I was proceeding at a snails pace to get my gear on, which may be understandable as the high for today was a partly sunny 10 degrees Celsius, so multiple layers were the order of the day, and we finally got out and on the road and across the bridge into Stratford.

Link to Google Maps.

Day Tripping - Charlottetown to East Point and Return - 215 km, 3 hours

Charlottetown to East Point and Return

Ooh! Excitement to be sure, stopping for gas then being held up by a cage that is afraid of the construction up the road where the new roundabout is going in, doing 30 kph in a 70 zone. *sigh*

We started off on the Trans Canada Hwy 1, but turned north in favour of 48 road, or Highway 5 if you prefer, that would spare us the TC1 traffic and take us straight up towards Cardigan. 

Blueberry Fields near Albion Cross PE

Overlooking MacVanes Pond 
We made it out to East Point to arrive just in time to provide a subject for a tourist photographer about to climb into the mini van with the rest of his family and head to some place warmer than the windy October East Point Lighthouse parking lot, which perfectly suited me as I enjoyed taking pictures with only one subject in them, Caroline.

East Point Lighthouse
This lighthouse was moved twice after it's completion in 1867. Once closer to the point after the HMS Phoenix wrecked off that coast, whose charts showed the lighthouse much closer to the point than the actual location, a 1/2 mile back from the point itself. Later on it was moved back away from the cliffs to make way for expansion of the foghorn house, and away from future erosion. I wonder if that is why there is a concrete pad out there on the old site?

Sorry about the wind, as it was hard enough to make me shake the camera slightly in the following  video.

It was cold, and I could only agree when Caroline lamented the fact that her orange toque was sitting at home instead of on her head where it would have been entirely welcome.

North Lake Harbour PE

Fishful Thinking

Priest Pond PE

Priest Pond Creek PE

Naufrage Harbour PE
The view from Fort Augustus road.

Glenfinnan River PE as seen from Fort Augustus Road.

Those homesick Scots hard at work in the New World:
Glenfinnan is a hamlet in Lochaber area of the Highlands of Scotland. In 1745 the Jacobite rising began here when Prince Charles Edward Stuart ("Bonnie Prince Charlie") raised his standard on the shores of Loch Shiel. 

Glenfinnan River looking East

And finally what do you do with two well ridden dirty bikes before putting them away for the weekend? You take pictures of them in all their dirty gory. Ummm. Glory. That should have read glory, that last bit.
At the foot of Queen Street
Looking out over the Hillsborough Heritage River
Charlottetown PE


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